Image Editing and Retouching

IDAMS - Infinity Digital Art Media Solutions

3D Products Design in Photoshop

3D product image


Photoshop, a popular software used for image editing and graphic design, includes a 3D product design feature. With 3D product design in Photoshop, designers can create realistic 3D models of their products, visualize them in various environments, and even add textures and lighting effects. In this blog, we will discuss the essential components of 3D product design in Photoshop, the industries that use it, the process involved, and some examples of products that benefit from 3D design in Photoshop.

Industries That Use 3D Product Design in Photoshop

Industries that rely on 3D product design in Photoshop include manufacturing, advertising, product packaging, and video game design. In the manufacturing industry, designers can create 3D models of products and test their functionality before they are manufactured. Advertising industry, 3D product design in Photoshop is used to create realistic product mockups for print and online advertisements. Product packaging, designers can create 3D models of their packaging designs and visualize them in various environments. Video game design, 3D product design in Photoshop is used to create realistic characters and environments.

3D watch product

Photo by Rachit Tank on Unsplash

The Process of 3D Product Design in Photoshop

The process of 3D product design in Photoshop involves several steps, including concept development, 3D modeling, texturing, lighting, and rendering. The first step is concept development, where designers brainstorm ideas and concepts for their product. Once they have a concept, they move on to 3D modeling, where they create a 3D model of their product in Photoshop. The next step is texturing, where designers add colors, patterns, and textures to their 3D model. After texturing, designers add lighting effects to their 3D model to create a realistic environment. Finally, designers render their 3D model to create a high-quality image or animation.

Examples of Products That Benefit from 3D Product Design

There are many products that benefit from 3D product design in Photoshop, including cars, electronics, furniture, and packaging. In the automotive industry, designers can create 3D models of cars and test their aerodynamics and safety features. Electronics industry, designers can create 3D models of devices and test their functionality and user experience. Furniture industry, designers can create 3D models of furniture and visualize them in various environments to test their aesthetic appeal. Product packaging, designers can create 3D models of their packaging designs and visualize them in various environments to test their marketing appeal.

3D product image

Image source Freepik


3D product design in Photoshop is an essential process for many industries, including manufacturing, advertising, product packaging, and video game design. Companies can reduce the time and cost associated with product development by creating realistic 3D models and visualizing products before manufacturing them. With the continued advancement of technology, we can expect to see more industries adopt 3D product design in Photoshop in the future.


3D product design in Photoshop manufacturing  advertising  product packaging

3D modeling, texturing  lighting rendering cars electronics furniture packaging